welllll here i am at 35 weeks! (i am now 36 weeks, i am just a slacker). and i am even bigger than that now! if by some miracle i feel cute someday soon i will snap my (hopefully!) last few bump shots before the little nugget arrives!
christmas day, we (husband, parents, and siblings, minus 2) all went to go see les mis (which i enjoyed a lot, much to my surprise!), and i spent the second half of the {3 hour} movie in false labor with a strong, uncomfortable, and eventually painful, 1-2 minute long contraction wrapping from my back to my belly, every 3-5 minutes. this was a littttttle bit of a wake up call for me. baby girl will be full term in just a week! and even so, if she arrived now, there would likely be no complications! so, after my family ditched us on saturday for california, bradley and i decided now would be the time to pack a hospital bag. which warranted us a day at target! (to get fun little toiletries and stuff to make what will probably be very unpleasant a little more exciting!) AND we hit up the container store! both in one day! {what were we thinking?! so much temptation!} but we made it out without spending ALL of our life savings. i am proud.
our christmas was awesome, we did our first very own little christmas morning, just bradley and i, early christmas morning, where i gave bradley what i think was our favorite gift this year:
(there is a third monogrammed stocking in our collection as well, BUT we're not giving that name away just yet!)
we then headed over to mom and dad's for family gift giving and our traditional christmas day full of lazing about and movie-watching. this year we did a lot of blu-ray experimenting, primarily with star wars, on my parents' new LED tv. pretty epic.
now, i'm taking it super duper easy and trying not to "exert myself" too much. so basically, this is the most guilt-free new year's twilight zone marathon i have ever experienced. (:
Oh my goodness that little girl will be here so soon (I can't wait to find out what's on that third stocking!). I hope you had a nice, stress free new year's marathon.