Sunday, November 8, 2020

2021 will be better i PROMISE


I know everyone is telling us not to gear up for positivity in 2021. That it will still suck, it will be more of the same, things are still going to still be astronomically bad, that nothing will change.

I beg to differ.

It’s true, the world will still be in a state of utmost terribleness and sucky-ness. (With the exception of the expulsion of the unqualified oaf from the White House!) But with 2021 comes MYRIAD changes that will help us through the year.

The changes arent in the world around us, they are in our perspective. In our attitudes, and in our resolve.

If we learned anything 2020 is that we. can. do. hard. things.
We suffered fires, tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes, riots,  protests, civil unrest, murders, and all of this during the biggest global pandemic in over 100 years. (Not to mention a huge slew of unexpected deaths of public figures who we will all miss tremendously!)
We went through it all, wondering how we would ever muddle through it, if we could survive it, if we could even thrive through it. And we learned that we totally could.

How many of you picked up a new skill during quarantine?
Who adopted a covid puppy?
Who pulled kids out of school to start their own homeschool program?
Who strengthened their relationships with their partners and children?
Who learned what’s REALLY important? What to hold on to and what to just let go of in order to keep our sanity?
Who drew closer to their senior loved ones, even when they couldnt be physically close?
Who started spending a lot more time outside?
Who learned new ways to serve others even when we can’t be close to them?
Who decluttered in a major way?
Who enjoyed getting a whoooooole lot of takeout?
Who started ordering groceries and will NEVER go back to the old ways?
Who started really focusing on their spirituality?

Yes, we all wanted to curl up in fetal position and cry through it some days.
Yes, we had mental temper tantrums in our heads every ten (ok three) minutes.
Yes, we screamed into our pillows every day.
Yes, we wish our kids would hide silently in their rooms for the rest of their lives.
Yes, we miss date nights and movie theaters and restaurants and sports and school and ANYTHING social. 
Yes, we miss the breeze on our faces.
Yes, we wonder if things will EVER go back to normal!

And we learned that, even if they don’t, we can totally handle it. We’ve already adapted in so many ways and we KNOW we will continue to do so no matter what!

In 2021, a lot of us will STILL be doing remote school. It still sucks. What’s changed? We KNOW what we’re doing! We’re experienced! We’ve got almost a year under our belts. We know how to make it work for us and what won’t work for us.  2021 will be better.

In 2021, a lot of us will STILL be working from home. It still sucks. What’s changed? We’ve got our workspaces carved out. We have a desk SOMEWHERE in our homes that feels lived in and familiar. We have a routine. We know how remote workflow works. We’re experienced. 2021 will be better.

In 2021, the 3rd (and probably 4th) wave of the pandemic will be raging. What’s changed? Awareness is spreading. Acknowledgement has finally become prevalent. Mandates are in place. The curve has flattened in many states. More information is known and continues to be discovered about the virus each day. A vaccine is in trials. WE WILL HAVE A PRESIDENT WHO CARES! It’s still a huge problem, but we become more prepared for its effects every day. 2021 will be better.

2021’s circumstances will be largely similar to 2020’s. Our surroundings may stay the same, or even get worse. But where in 2020 we were flying blind, in 2021 we have experience. We have resolve. We have knowledge that WE CAN DO IT! How? We’ve already done it. 2021 will probably still suck. But this time we’re ready for it. 2021 will be better.

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