Monday, August 12, 2013

why i'm modest, and what no one else ever seems to mention

*i wrote this a couple months ago when this youtube video came out and never published it, but i'm going to do it now just because (: *

i know i don't normally write about serious or religious things on here but i really had to get this out, it seems like a hot topic right now and it is really frustrating me that so many people are ignoring what really matters.

recently, this youtube video has gotten a lot of traffic:

in fact, i've even shared it myself. i think a lot of what she is saying is really great, and i believe modesty is important. 

the video has also received some backlash, in blog posts like this one:

i agree with some of the things this person says too. but here's what i just can't figure out:


sure they talk about modesty, say that it's admirable and good, which is fine, but they mostly just throw around terms like "lust", "objectification", "walking pornography" and all that jazz, and muse about whether or not they agree who's at fault for lust. while those are indeed often byproducts of immodesty, they are certainly not the only reasons we choose to be modest! i don't understand why it is so rare to find someone who actually understands and explains clearly why modesty is important to us as latter-day saints. i have to share it or i may just explode. 

first though, let me just show you the definition of modesty:


  [mod-uh-stee]  Show IPA
noun, plural mod·es·ties.
the quality of being modestfreedom from vanity, boastfulness,etc.
regard for decency of behavior, speech, dress, etc.
simplicity; moderation.

i'll just let that sink in for a minute. note how much of the definition has to do with dress. {hint: not all of it.}

now, i'll share what the church has officially stated about modesty:

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? … The temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
1 Corinthians 3:16–17

"Your body is sacred. Respect it and do not defile it in any way. Through your dress and appearance, you can show that you know how precious your body is. You can show that you are a disciple of Jesus Christ and that you love Him.

Prophets of God have continually counseled His children to dress modestly. When you are well groomed and modestly dressed, you invite the companionship of the Spirit and you can be a good influence on others. Your dress and grooming influence the way you and others act. Never lower your standards of dress. Do not use a special occasion as an excuse to be immodest. When you dress immodestly, you send a message that is contrary to your identity as a son or daughter of God. You also send the message that you are using your body to get attention and approval."
ok. now. i like to look at the gospel in the most basic of terms. the verse from corinthians clearly states that our bodies are temples. i'm going to run with that for a minute. 

if you are a latter-day saint or know any of us, you know that our temples are very sacred places where very sacred work takes place. once dedicated, a temple is so sacred, that only worthy members who have been prepared for service there are permitted inside. the inside of the temple is glorious to behold and the rooms and decor are beautiful, but we don't show them off and flaunt our service there. we revere it, we respect it.

so it is with our bodies. our bodies are beautiful creations, created in the very image of our heavenly parents. they are sacred to us.  we love them, we respect them, we are grateful for them. this is why we keep them covered. just as we don't show off the beautiful temple to those who haven't been prepared, we do not show our bodies to those who haven't been prepared. 

the rest of the definition of modesty from the dictionary encompasses many other values we latter-day saints cherish, specifically "moderation", "decency", and "freedom from vanity."

modesty isn't just about covering our bodies. it's about being humble, free from vanity. this is why i can't fully agree with the blogger i linked to up there. she emphasizes wearing what makes us feel comfortable and leaving it at that. some of us have varying levels of vanity. some are more than comfortable strutting our stuff and owning it. others don't feel comfortable in the spotlight. for those that do, modesty can be a challenge. some people have great confidence with their bodies and would gladly display them in a bikini or revealing outfit. it is modesty that keeps that kind of vanity in check. it shows that we love our bodies and are comfortable with them, but do not need to parade around and display them gratuitously or inappropriately. we are modest when we don't call undue attention to ourselves. this can mean over-showing off a rockin' body, or shaving half your head and coloring the other half magenta. it's not all about clothes. we show our reverence for our bodies when we keep a humble and modest attitude about them.

it's really that simple. 
we believe in moderation in all things. this includes our attitudes about our bodies. what we wear is only the tip of the iceberg. when we truly adopt a moderate way of thinking, what kind of swimsuit do you think we'll choose? the string bikini and the speedo? i don't think so.

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