Monday, January 21, 2013

about to pop. also an ode to my awesome husband.

so here are hopefully the last bump pics i will take before this little diva decides to make her appearance:

Taken on Friday (38 1/2 weeks). As you can see by my not so flattering faces, these are not fun for me anymore. On the plus side, everyone keeps saying to me: "Wow!! You still have your waist!!!!" That is my only comfort.

here are some snippets of our little baby corner in our teeny 1 br apartment:

i love all the stuffed animals we've accumulated. my favorite is the Ugly Doll. His name is "Big Toe." the sock monkey snuggler is a close second.

i went to my 39 week appointment today. apparently i'm measuring great and baby is just "happy as a clam" in there. yes. yes i know. happy enough to never ever ever leave. I AM READY FOR YOU TO COME OUT, YOUR HIGHNESS!

i sleep about 20 minutes a night, i am so congested i worry that i will never learn to breathe through my nose again, it is uncomfortable to sit down, stand up, and lie down, i have the lung capacity of a field mouse, and i am GRUMPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in other news, i've been checking up on the message boards of my "birth club" on the what to expect when you're expecting site to see what other people with my due date are up to, and i tell ya, the one thing those ladies are good at are complaining about their husbands!

here is the thing. i am a champ at complaining. i am probably the world's best complainer. you can ask bradley, he says i am a complaining boss. but if you asked me to complain about my husband i would have absolutely zero material. i would have less than zero material. there is simply nothing to complain about. bradley is the kindest, most helpful, patient, hard-working, un-lazy person i know. that's sort of why i claimed him as my own. i don't know what i'd do without him! it's so sad to me to see all these women on these message boards whining and complaining about "all my husband does is sit on the couch while i do dishes and blahblahblahblah!" or "my husband won't wake up to help change/feed the baby and gets mad at us for being 'too loud' in the middle of the night!"

can you believe these men?! i can't imagine a life where the man i'd chosen to spend the rest of my life with would be such a lazy piece of garbage! how blessed am i? and really, how blessed are most of us ladies in the church who have husbands who GET IT! the reality in our house is...I am the one sitting on the couch doing nothing like monstro the whale while BRADLEY is up on his feet doing dishes and making dinner! even if i wanted to help (and trust me, i don't. i weigh a gazillion pounds, it would take an hour just to get off the couch.), he wouldn't let me. he is just the best. and i'm pretty sure our fights once the little princess arrives will sound mostly like this: "bradley, i am fine, will you just let me change her diaper now? you get to do allllll of them!!!!"

now if only she would just born...that would be great...because i'm totes uncomfortable. all the time.

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