Tuesday, November 20, 2012

all about childbirth class. and a video of my belly.

when you're pregnant, everyone always has something to say to you about every choice you make. so when i told people i was going to a childbirth class, naturally, everyone had something to say about it.

"omigosh you are totally wasting your money, those things are so stupid."

"oh....i never did that." (what's that supposed to mean? lol)

"so awkward! never again! nottttt worth it!"

and a couple positive "i'm actually really glad i did it"s.

so, naturally, i was a litttttle hesitant before our class started, and a little leery about what we'd gotten ourselves into.

but. i LOVED my class! it was a 6 hour program, taught in 2 evenings, and it was NOT like everyone says! we spent like maybe 20 minutes total on those dumb "breathing techniques" everyone always cringes at (my instructor included. ha.) and the rest was a super informative breakdown of hospital procedure, specific to the hospital i'm delivering at, concluding with a tour of the L&D and maternity wings. it was so, so, so, helpful and really helped to calm my nerves about delivery. i would highly recommend going to a hospital-offered childbirth prep class to ANYONE with their first child. because my mom couldn't deliver babies vaginally (she has a crushed pelvis from a car accident injury and had us all via cesarian), i really had no reference point at ALL about what labor and delivery are like. this class went through every single birth option my hospital offered (medicated, natural, planned/emergency c-section, you name it) in great detail and included info on interventions and emergency situations and everything. i feel so much more prepared now! i know exactly what the delivery rooms are like now and what to expect (pun!) when the big day arrives. i honestly was completely clueless before. not about how babies are born (duh) but just like....what they do with you when you get to the hospital? i seriously had no idea. and now i do!

and the class was only $225. small price to pay for peace of mind, in my opinion. i mean this is kind of a scary thing that i'm about to undertake here! and i am like a billion times less scared now. so, for any of you on the fence, if your hospital offers a class, GO. 

now. get a load of this:
see that little movement around 00:08?! it's sort of hard to see on camera...
also, that is boy meets world you hear playing in the background.

also, i am starting to get a little too over-excited about this whole baby thing. exhibit A: i ordered a ton of diapers and wipes from diapers.com (a pack of 276 pampers diapers in size 1 and 900 kirkland wipes, dunno how many packages that is... all for 50 dollars and free overnight shipping! too good to pass up.)

i also put all of the clothes i've gotten/people have given us into her dresser.
 ahhhh!!!! this is real life, people!!!


  1. So excited for you! I'm also happy you weren't traumatized by your class :)

    Also... I finally read Divergent! Can't wait to read the next one.

    1. ahhhhhh isn't it so good?! can't wait for a movie...abby and i are still dream-casting it in our brains. who should be four?! nobody knows!
