Sunday, March 3, 2019

DIsneyland Series Pt 2: What to Pack


For Disney, in addition to my stroller schlep wagon, I like to have 2 other bags at the park with us: a backpack, and a fanny pack (or if you’re “too cool” for a fannypack, a satchel/cross body/small bag). Here’s what we like to put in each:

STROLLER (bonus tip: buy a balloon to tie to your stroller. It helps you spot it from far away when you get off a ride and need to get back to your stroller. Sometimes cast members shuffle strollers around to free up walkways and it can end up in a different spot than where you left it. They aren’t cheap but it’s worth it. They’re between 10-15 dollars each. Cash only for balloons!)
  1. Water bottles (unless you leave your stroller for a bit, then plop these in your backpack.)
  2. Snacks (keep some in your stroller and some in your backpack)
  3. Change of clothes for kids (IN PLASTIC BAGS!) (if your kids are prone to accidents, bring these in your backpack for long lines too)
  4. Baby Wipes (even if you don’t have babies!)
  5. Jackets
  6. Blanket (for either covering up kiddies in the evening or for laying out for parades.)
  7. Glow sticks (for parades!)/souvenirs 
  8. Ponchos (from the dollar store, if you don’t feel like getting wet on splash mountain, or obviously for chance of rain)
  9. Sunscreen

  1. Water bottles
  2. snacks
  3. Kids’ changes of clothes in plastic bags
  4. “mom bag” - a small zip pouch with bandaids, neosporin, tylenol, nail clippers/file, tweezers, “lady items”, hair ties and bobby pins, facial sunscreen
  5. diaper bag stuff if you still need a diaper bag
  6. Phone battery packs and cords
  7. Sunglasses
  8. Map (this will have showtimes and parade times etc. but all of this is on the app, along with real-time ride wait times! which i strongly recommend)

  1. Wallet
  2. phone
  3. tickets (if you have paper tickets, be sure to also link them to your phone)
  4. wet wipes (hand wipes)
  5. Hand sanitizer (i like spray hand sanitizer best, honest company makes a good one)
  6. facial sunscreen stick
  7. chapstick
  8. hair ties
  9. autograph book and clicky-pen (a clicky-pen is best so that characters can sign quickly if there is a long line or if they have outfits that limit their dexterity)
  10. Sharpie (for writing phone number on kids’ arms)**

**the safest way to protect your kids in case they get lost is to write your phone number on their arm (yes, their skin!) in sharpie. Don’t write their name or your name, just the phone number. Names give too much information to abductors (sorry not trying  to freak anyone out, just can’t be too careful!), a phone number is enough information for a worker or other adult to find you and reunite you if they get lost. I always my kids to either find a worker or a grandma. 

That should cover your park essentials! Check the next post for Park Tips!

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