Thursday, June 29, 2017

Mom Minutia

You guys. Some days I'm just really tired of being a mom.

I'm tired of wiping endless runny noses.
I'm tired of hearing "mom. mom. mom. mom. MOM!!!!!!" all. day. long.
I'm tired of constantly sweeping crushed cheerios and graham crackers off my kitchen floor.
I'm tired of wishing for silence but dreading what happens with too much silence.
I'm tired of listening to their one favorite song over and over and over and OVER.
I'm tired of washing a million little plastic dishes and silverware.
I'm tired of asking them to pick up their toys and then eventually putting them all away myself.
I'm tired of tying tiny shoes. 
I'm tired of endless piles and piles and PILES of laundry.
I'm tired of wiping other people's butts.

I think all moms feel this way. I honestly don't think there's any shame in it. Being a mom is a legitimate job. It's not a hobby or a side project. It's an all-consuming career in child-rearing. Of course we're going to get tired of it sometimes. Just like someone at the office is tired of doing the same thing every day, tired of the way their boss talks, tired of hearing the person in the next cubicle who chews too loud, tired of how that one person always pronounces their name wrong.
Being tired of your job from time to time is nothing new.

But mom guilt is the worst kind of guilt, and it creeps in whenever we feel burnt out or even just annoyed at the constant weight put on us. Because for some reason we feel like being tired of doing the menial things day in and day out means that we somehow love our children less, which, when you think about it, is completely ridiculous. 

Are you tired of baby snuggles?
Are you tired of saying or hearing "I love you"?
Are you tired of toddler smiles with chubby cheeks and giant eyes?
Are you tired of receiving carefully crafted artwork, made just for you?
Are you tired of their scratchy voices and rosy cheeks that only happen after a good nap?
Are you tired of planting great big kisses on squishy little faces?
Are you tired of big belly giggles from your little ones?
Are you tired of holding tiny, soft, warm, pudgy hands?

Of course you're not. When it all comes down to it, those are things that make you a mom. The rest is just details. When you look at it, you're not tired of being a mom at all. Now push that guilt away, leave those dishes in the sink, and snuggle with those little ones for a while. I know you're tired of hearing it, but these days will be gone all too soon. Don't get so caught up in the details that you forget about the best part, the good stuff. The stuff that makes being a mom the best job in the entire world. 

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