Wednesday, May 25, 2016

a bit about my babies 5.25.16

i feel like it's been a long time since my last post but i don't think it's really been THAT long.
i need to document my kids for my records but i feel like not a ton has changed...
so here we go:

-i'll start this out by saying, at her heart, she is a sweet, sweet girl. but she is getting to be really difficult these days. i feel like this age (3.5) has been the biggest strain on our relationship yet before she becomes a teenager. i am either yelling or trying not to yell at her for 50% of almost every day except for the few days where she is a delight all day. and when she is a sweetie she really is the best sweet thing in the world but when she does a 180 on a dime, it is ROUGH. and lately she has taken to wetting her pants on purpose when she is mad at me. it's infuriating.

-she really isn't all that bad all the time. she loves a lot of things with her whole heart right now, including dance, charlotte's web (which probably explains why she loves fairs right now. she's really into fairs), hamilton, star wars, and her imaginary friends wall-e, eve, and hamilton. she LOVES hamilton a ton and asks for books about the founding fathers at the library frequently. i can't say i'm disappointed. she also asks for loony toons ("those bunny cartoons" and "tweety bird ones") quite a bit, which i'm proud of too.

-she says a million funny things a day, and i try to document them all on facebook but it is hard to keep up!

-sometimes she'll ask me a very specific question in which it's very apparent that she has been thinking about the issue for some time before coming to me with the question. i LOVE hearing how her mind works.

-she loves books. she will read in her bed for ages before falling asleep and i love it and hope it continues forever.

-she is getting more independent and it's fun to see her grow up but also a little heartbreaking. she can clear her place from the table, get dressed (when she's not being a stinker), and brush her own teeth.

-she loves oliver more and more every day and is very protective of him to other people but is rough on him all the time. classic siblings, amiright?

-she LOVES to play dress-up! i think it's probably her favorite activity. very cute. i need to invest in more dressups

-whenever i let her pick out her own clothes, she chooses a tulle skirt she got ages ago (at her baby shower actually. it's 2t so it's a bit small now) and a tiara. she is all girl. i need to buy her some more tutu-like pieces because it seems that's her style now. when she dresses herself she always says "hey mom do i look style? i look so style!!!!" it's a riot.

-she calls mcdonald's chicken donalds and asks to go there like every day. if she could choose between french fries and cake/ice cream/cookies/candy, the french fries will win every time without fail.

-she views every human being as a potential friend and is always introducing herself to strangers. she doesn't have a shy bone in her body. she loves making new friends at the park, and always seems to be organizing games with other kids. some say organizer, some say bossy. tomato tomahto.

-she starts every day with her daily phone calls. she calls my mom, abby, my dad, cami, peter, sam, shannon, and brad on his way to work, and tries to get them to chat with her. she can do this all on her own, on her own phone. it's hilarious.

-he is the cutest butterball in the history of the world. i love it. if i could freeze him right now i would. he is so cheery all the time except when he's hungry. then is a screaming machine.

-he is finally interested in food!!!! he eats real big boy food all day err day and enjoys it to the fullest. so adorable.

-he loves tickles, music, dancing, baths, and making messes.

-he is into EVERYTHING. we are seriously having to babyproof this house which is such a new concept to us because bea was never interested in our stuff. but he is on it like white on rice. he also never holds still and can't stand getting his diaper changed. i have to restrain him with one arm and change the diaper with the other. he frantically rolls about whenever i change him. exhausting, these kids!

-he is super interested in other babies and is pretty physical with them. he likes to smack their faces and yank them down from sitting/standing and other things like that. he is such a boy.

-he will FINALLY SNUGGLE!!! ahhh i love it. if i give him a binky and his blue minky blanky (which he must have in order to sleep), he with put his head on my should and snuggle for just a few seconds or so but i will TAKE it!

-he is so fat basically all he can wear is sweat pants. it's amazing but also sad bc my visions of putting my cute boy in great clothes like skinny jeans are not coming to fruition. he is destined for huskiness until he gets his junior high growth spurt and becomes a tall, gangly, string bean. i'll enjoy the chub while it lasts.

-the doctor said by the time he is one year old he should be able to say at least one word. i don't think we'll make it. bea said her first words around 9/10 months but he is nowhere close. he is only just starting to babble with hard consonants. i'm trying not to worry about it and just understand that it will happen in its own time.

-he loves books and puzzles. well i mean he likes to throw puzzle pieces across the room. his favorite puzzle piece is a wooden lion from our melissa and doug safari puzzle. he always finds it, chews on it, and then carries it around while he crawls everywhere.

-he is a great cruiser and stands on his own quite a bit. i think we are very close to walking with this little (huge) guy.

that's all i can think of for now, i'll come back and jot down some more if i think about it.

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