Monday, April 29, 2013

updates and "what do you DO all day?!"

i haven't blogged in lightyears and  a lot of that is due to the fact that 1) bea spends a lot more time awake these days and i fill my days entertaining and being entertained by her. that trumps blogging, and pretty much everything else in life. and 2) it seems we are about to undergo some changes here pretty soon....i can't say much, but suffice it to say, that my parents are moving to utah at the end of the summer, so the incentive for us to stay in the wealthiest and most expensive town in america (fact, no kidding there) as young, brand new parents has dropped significantly..... more to come on that later.

i also keep telling myself to wait to blog until i finish this little video compilation i am editing of all of my iphone videos of bea during her first 2 months. it's still not done. but i need to write something, lest the habit dies and the blog dies with it.
bea will be 3 months old tomorrow, and she has grown so much! a little over a week ago, she rolled over for the very first time. i about cried. which brings me to my next point:
i am a loser now. i cry at everything. oh, that song from toy story 2 just came on? i should cry about it. oh, the primary kids are singing in church?  probably time to cry. what's that? the primary song of the month that we are learning is my favorite hymn, the spirit of god? let's cry about that for a minute. honestly! people told me i'd get sappier but i didn't realize it would get this crazy.
seriously though, when i hear those precious kids singing "we'll sing and we'll shout..." i am moved to tears almost every. single. time. and since i assume the coveted calling of primary pianist, i get to hide behind the piano while i do.

i was thinking the other day about how so many people ask what is it that i actually do all day since i don't go to work. don't i get bored?!
ahem. no. i know i only have one baby, but there is still not enough time in my day to be bored. now that bea is 3 months and more or less on a schedule, it's easier to see what gets done in a day. here is a typical day in our house:

5:30-6:30a: bea wakes up after sleeping all night (she has been doing this since she was about 3 weeks old. don't kill us please.) brad wakes up and feeds her, has some baby/daddy giggles etc and puts her back down, usually in her swing, by 7/7:30.

8:00a: i wake up. this is far too late, i realize this. but i am trying to savor all of these things that will mostly DEFINITELY disappear by the time she is a toddler or by the time i have behbeh numero dos. i savor sleeping in. i eat breakfast (i do that now like a real grownup!) i do all of the chores that got neglected yesterday due to a baby being my main focus. i load the dishwasher, tidy up the apartment, make my bed, get a load of laundry in, fold laundry, put away laundry (so. much. laundry.), throw away stray diapers, etc.

9:00-11:00a: this changes day to day, but bea wakes up any time between this window (sometimes before, on horrible days.) so, this is the only time of my day that i get to do projecty-type things. self improvement, if you will. today i'm choosing to blog. other days, i read, do extra scripture study (more on that later), i write thank you notes, i edit videos, catch up on emails, call friends, and all that jazz.

11:00a: bea wakes up and poops. lol she is a very regular lady. she poops every day at 11 am pretty much without fail. i change her and then we play, usually for a good 20 minutes until she is over it and then i become her food slave. she is weaned now, so i make her a bottle and turn on a show from the previous night (we don't have cable) on my computer to watch while she eats. it takes her a long time to eat still because she has to burp after each ounce or she will throw up all over the place. plus, to help her keep food down, i've put faster flow bottles on hold. so eating takes a while.

12:00p: i change bea again and buckle her in her seat while i get ready to go to the gym (which is grandma's house. free babysitting!) and go over to my mom's to do 30 min - 1 hr of exercise with jillian michaels while grandma and/or auntie abby play with the baby. they know my workout time is sacred so they usually do a good job of helping me out with this. {btw i've already lost 30 lbs! 10 lbs til i'm at pre-pregnancy weight, 10 more til i'm at college weight (: } bea usually falls asleep sometime around now though so if they can't help i'm sometimes ok. a lot of the time they'll feed her too while i'm exercising, or i give her a bit to eat before we leave.

1:00p: i get to shower now! if i am lucky, bea falls asleep in her carseat on the way home and stays asleep while i shower (this happens about 50% of the time). if she wakes up she is usually happy in her swing while i get this done. (if she is not, i take the fastest shower ever and then get her calmed down.) if i'm lucky and she's still asleep after my shower, i try and throw in a bonus like blowing out my hair or cutting my nails (i never find time to do that these days!!!!) or eating lunch (lol that is a bonus now.) i throw in some more laundry too.

2:00p: bea wakes up, usually ready to eat immediately. i feed her, then change her, and then it's playtime! we do tummy time, practice rolling over, practice sitting up in the bumbo seat, practice talking (she is finding her voice right now and it is SO FREAKING ADORABLE!!!) and practice dancing (she has been standing with my help for well over a month! strong girl!). we listen to music, look at pictures and books, and play airplane, among other things. then to wind down, if it's nice, we'll go for a walk, if it's cold we go for a drive, we run errands (which she will usually sleep through) or i put her in her swing while get dinner ready to start, etc.

4:00p: hopefully bea is asleep by now. i need to fold laundry and throw another load in at this point. i also need to start dinner. if she is not asleep, i have her hang out in her swing while i get the necessities done, and if she gets grumpy, i wear her while i do them. (she is rarely grumpy though, knock on wood).

5:30p: bea wakes up, i give her a mini-bottle, daddy comes home, he plays with her while i finish dinner, she hangs out while we eat our dinner

6:30p: if it's a bath day, this would be when i give beatrice her bath. she hates baths. a lot. well, she mostly just hates getting out of the tub. she doesn't mind so much while she is in the tub, just so long as the water doesn't get on her face. then it's screaming until she's in her jammies.

7:00p: jammies and last feeding of the day!

7:30-8:00p: this is when we put bea down if it's a regular at home day (if we've been out and about she goes down whenever we get home). if she throws a projectile vomit in the mix, it is also later on those days.

8:30-10:30p: bradley and i have some us time, we fold laundry while we watch a show on the computer, we throw in more laundry (see? i told you. my life revolves around laundry.) we read our scriptures together, i do online shopping (aka online looking), we tidy things up, do the dishes, bradley works on his oh-so-fancypants gaming blog, i do grooming things i didn't have time for earlier in the day (blowing out hair, washing my face properly, doing my nails, etc).

10:30-11:00p: we go to bed like responsible adults. i know. crazy.

so. even though i only have one, i have PLENTY to fill my day. i know it will only get busier as she starts sleeping less and i have more kiddos but you know what i've noticed? the busier you are, the more you get done. i learned that one semester in college while i was taking 21 credits, working two jobs, and taking care of a husband. it all gets done, especially when there's a lot to do. you just cope and you find yourself able to make time for all kinds of stuff.

i did, indeed, wonder what i would do during the day once beatrice was born, so if you are expectin' and wondering what will fill your days, this is probably standard for most first time moms (i guess? what do i know) just make the most of that playtime! and don't be afraid to let her nap with/on top of you every once in a while. those snuggle days only last so long.

speaking of which, it's 11 am now, and my baby is waking up. she is about to poop. adios amigos!!!

some pictures in case you don't follow me on instagram and aren't already fed up with my obsessive snap-shotting:

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